My Work
Places I've worked
I am an open source hacker and stylesheet architect. I implement tools that integrate with Sass for LinkedIn's build system and development workflows.
I was the first employee of and I helped them design and build it from concept to market leader in less than two years. I still work here and I love it.
I built the entire Web Management UI for Teneros's flagship product. In python. I also built the web framework that it ran on because Django didn't exist yet.
ITM Software
ITM Software built a suite of web-based IT Business Management Applications. I architected and led development on 3 of the 6 apps that they built. In Java.

Terraspring was about 10 years ahead of its time. We invented utility computing (as in we coined the phrase), but didn't get anyone rich. Especially me. But I learned to be an engineer while working there with some of the most amazing engineers I've ever met. I implemented a Visio-like graphical network editor with a drag and drop UI for creating and managing virtual networks -- in IE5. I got very good at javascript there.
About Me

I am an open source hacker and stylesheet architect at LinkedIn. I live in San Jose, California with my wife and daughter.
Open Source
I'm the creator of Compass, a stylesheet authoring framework and I'm on the core team of Sass — the stylesheet syntax upon which Compass is built. I maintain about a dozen less well known ruby libraries and rails plugins on github, and am an active contributor of patches to the many open source projects that I use.