Open Source Projects
Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Environment that makes your website design simpler to implement and easier to maintain.
Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is CSS, plus nested rules, variables, mixins, and more, all in a concise, readable syntax.
By forcing users to choose the better of two randomly paired items, we sorted the universe somewhat objectively. Had tons of traffic and no way to monetize it. In retrospect, I blew it.
About Me

I am an open source hacker and stylesheet architect at LinkedIn. I live in San Jose, California with my wife and daughter.
Open Source
I'm the creator of Compass, a stylesheet authoring framework and I'm on the core team of Sass — the stylesheet syntax upon which Compass is built. I maintain about a dozen less well known ruby libraries and rails plugins on github, and am an active contributor of patches to the many open source projects that I use.