Sass Language Design: Philosophy & Approach
Sass has a lot of language features that CSS does not provide. To the outside observer, the way new features come into existence might seem like a bit of mystery. It’s become clear recently that we need to do a better job of explaining it.
First, there’s no formal process for how we decide to add new features to Sass. Good ideas can come from anyone from anywhere and we’re happy to consider them from the mailing list, IRC, twitter, blog posts, other css compilers, or any other source. However, most of the time we end up saying no.
In this post, we hope to describe the thought process we go through to make those decisions. In future posts, Natalie and I will cover some often-requested features and why we’ve decided against them.
There are four personas who we consider when thinking about new Sass features:
- Beginning Front-Ender
- Knows CSS syntax, but is confused and frustrated by the nuances of building cross-browser websites. Often bases their stylesheets using a core from a blog post or CSS framework. Maybe a programmer who has to do CSS for one reason or another.
- Knowledgeable Front-Ender
- Has a strong working knowledge of CSS. Gets the job done, but still gets frustrated when the styling for a site gets large and complex. Reads blog posts about CSS, but probably doesn’t write them.
- Expert Front-Ender
- Lives and breathes CSS. Knows what to avoid and has most of quirksmode memorized. Has read several books on stylesheets. Can create novel designs and implementations that inspire others.
- Extension/Framework Builder
- Sees patterns in their work and wants to share them with others. Likely to have some programming skill. May overlap with other personas to varying degrees.
We’ve come up with these personas by talking to people who write CSS. We include as wide a sample as possible. We talk to people who love Sass, people who dislike it, people who are new to it and ask for help on the mailing list, and even people who have never heard of it.
We’re primarily focused on supporting the knowledgeable front-ender, because that’s the largest group of users. For them, we want features that are frequently useful, and that don’t require exceptionally deep knowledge of CSS or Sass to use. Our secondary focus is making it easy for a beginner to get started using Sass, and to create cross-browser designs with very little effort.
Only once we’re confident that these two personas are well-served are we willing to add advanced features for the expert front-ender and the extension builder. This means that features that are very complex, that require advanced knowledge of CSS or Sass, or that require advanced programming ability, usually don’t make it in.
The Gauntlet
Any new feature proposal must run the gauntlet, and be able to stand up against a series of difficult questions. Following is a list of some of these questions. It’s not comprehensive and we don’t explicitly check each one off, but it’s a good summary of our thought process when evaluating a new feature.
What problem does the feature solve? Any new feature must solve a real problem that can be clearly explained. The more common the problem, the more awesome the feature and Awesome is Sass’s middle name.
Does this problem have another solution? If an existing solution exists then we’d prefer to keep things as they are. But this does not mean that the feature is rejected, instead it must bring substantial benefit. This is often the case for those features that make a very common task easier. The ability to nest selectors is a good example of a feature that optimizes something that is very simple to do, but that happens a lot, resulting in a large cumulative benefit.
How does the feature interact with the other Sass features? Are there cases where the feature would introduce confusion? Features that work well with existing features are more likely to be accepted. Can the interaction of with another feature be reasoned about easily? Will it generate the expected result for a Sass user who understands both features individually? For instance, if a user understands both the parent selector (
) and mixins, when she sees the&
used at the top level of a mixin, she’ll understand that it refers to the selector that includes the mixin.Will the user understand the feature intuitively? Ideally, a new feature would be so obvious it wouldn’t need any explanation at all. Unfortunately, this can’t always be the case. If it does need to be learned, how hard is it? Can it be explained to even the beginning front-ender in one or two sentences? Variables pass this test with flying colors – when a new user sees them, they know what’s going on right away. Mixins usually aren’t that obvious, but they require very little explanation to be clear.
Does the feature make a stylesheet harder to maintain? When a feature would create a situation where a change in one place in the stylesheet causes unexpected changes elsewhere, it’s unlikely to be accepted. Many features found in other CSS preprocessors fail this test, and it is our primary reason for rejecting them in Sass. Usually we consider this question in the context of a team of designers working on one stylesheet, or one person picking up a stylesheet that hasn’t been touched in months and changing it without fear.
Does the feature make something new possible? This question is structural in nature: of course, Sass can’t add anything that’s impossible in CSS. But the
directive and numeric expressions are great examples where features allow the expression of a relationship that exists in practice but that couldn’t be expressed in a stylesheet before.Will the feature be misused? Sass’s philosophy leans towards giving power to advanced users, but there are cases where a powerful feature is likely to be misused by a beginning user. Unless it provides enough benefit to warrant inclusion anyway, it’s likely to be rejected.
Is it CSS-y? Sass syntax should feel right at home with CSS syntax and its existing semantics and structure. This means that sometimes a good idea gets changed a lot between initial concept and final implementation. For instance, there were several syntaxes we considered for providing the ability to inherit selectors.
For Example
A common request that we get for sass is to allow @import
to import an entire
folder of sass files with one call using some sort of globbing syntax. This
feature has been rejected and you can view the feature request for
it if you like.
- Does it solve a problem? Yes, this feature solves a common problem of having to create a top level import file and then specify each imported file explicitly. This saves time because the person adding a new stylesheet doesn’t have to worry about adding it to their master stylesheet.
- Does it have an existing solution? Sort-of. The import directive can accept more than one stylesheet separated by commas.
- Does it interact well with existing features? It has no positive or negative impact.
- Will the user understand it intuitively? Yes. We think it is not hard to understand this feature and most users will grok it immediately or can learn it in a few minutes of research.
- Does the feature make a stylesheet harder to maintain? This feature would make stylesheets easier to maintain in some respects: Less files changed when adding a new one, less time spent figuring out that you forgot to import it. But it will also make some stylesheets harder to maintain: Adding a new file might import into a point of the cascade that causes styles to apply in an unexpected way – fixing this requires reverting to the current import mechanism and debugging it might take a while to understand.
- Does the feature make something possible that wasn’t possible before? Yes.
- Will the feature be misused? Yes. This feature is best used when following certain best practices like having scoped stylesheets or importing library files that don’t themselves define any selectors, but there’s no good way to enforce this, thus leaving the the feature open to misuse by users who think they are saving time only to lose all those savings and then some when it fails for them.
- Is it CSS-y? Yes. Presumably the syntax for such a feature would use
to glob imports and*
means any element in a selector so it has some familiarity.
Clearly this feature was a mixed bag. It benefits some users but it also discourages other users from thinking through an important aspect of CSS: Where does a partial belong in the cascade. If the feature offered a greater benefit to the power users, it might have been approved but files are added rarely and the error scenarios around forgetting to add an import are much easier to diagnose than the error scenarios around breaking the cascade. At the end of the day, we said no to this feature because it had more downsides than upsides in a “weighted average” sense.
We’re not perfect
We understand that reasonable people might come to different conclusions when they evaluate features against these criteria. Many of them can be influenced by one’s past experiences and their mindset. In this respect, it’s good that there are other stylesheet compilers making different decisions about what features should exist and what features shouldn’t. It allows for experimentation and learning.
At the end of the day, someone has to make a decision about whether a proposed feature is in or out. In almost all cases, Natalie and I come to an agreement – sometimes this takes minutes, sometimes it takes weeks or more. But open source software is generally governed by a benevolent dictatorship and for at least a couple years now that person has been Natalie. I’ve found her to be increasingly good at this role. She’s eager to hear new ideas, and careful in her consideration. With a well crafted argument, it is very possible to change her (and my) mind.
About Me

I am an open source hacker and stylesheet architect at LinkedIn. I live in San Jose, California with my wife and daughter.
Open Source
I'm the creator of Compass, a stylesheet authoring framework and I'm on the core team of Sass — the stylesheet syntax upon which Compass is built. I maintain about a dozen less well known ruby libraries and rails plugins on github, and am an active contributor of patches to the many open source projects that I use.