Sass 3.2 makes authoring CSS3 as easy as it will be
TL;DR In sass 3.2 there’s a new kind of selector called a
placeholder selector for use with @extend
. Mixins and functions can
now take any number of arguments and be defined in nested contexts. You
can now pass a block of styles to a mixin for placement by the
directive. Numbers will have now 5 digits of precision
instead of 3. But that’s not all. Read on for the details.
CSS3 keeps getting more powerful and the browser support for all the new shiny toys keeps growing. In the last year we’ve even started to get a glimpse of what CSS4 will have to offer. This release introduces a number of new features that have been driven by the need to create clean, simple abstractions that allow authors and frameworks like Compass to build support for CSS3 and beyond.
One of the driving principles of Sass is that, as a language, it is largely agnostic of browsers and their myriad quirks. We endeavor to find syntax and semantics that enable authors and framework developers to be creative in the ways they keep their stylesheets clean and maintainable. As such, these new features have benefits that go beyond our primary use case. We always look forward to seeing how you will use them creatively in ways that we could not have imagined.
The Sass 3.2 release introduces several new major features and a number of lesser features that we will describe in this post. The full list of changes can be read in the CHANGELOG.
- Placeholder Selectors
- Selectors Subjects
- Mixin Content Blocks
- Variable Arguments
- Improvements for working with @media and other directives
Placeholder Selectors
We are on record that @extend
is Sass’s best feature and we are
finally seeing the community catch on to the wonders of what selector
inheritance can be used to accomplish. However, since it’s inception,
one of the things that has bugged us about @extend
is that often times
the selector being extended isn’t useful to the compiled CSS output. A
common pattern is to introduce a base class so that several concrete
selectors could share common styles. And while this worked great, having
the useless base class in the output left everyone feeling like this was
a hack.
In 3.2, we’ve added a fundamentally new kind of selector component that
we’re calling a placeholder selector. Syntactically, a placeholder
selector is exactly like a class selector except that you use a %
instead of a .
. The behavior of a placeholder selector is to “hold the
place” for a real selector that might extend the placeholder. If nothing
does extend it, then the selector and the associated ruleset is
discarded from the output, if something does extend it then the
resulting selector or selectors would be in the output, but the
placeholder selector itself will not be output. You can even have
multiple placeholders in a selector, all of which much be extended to
produce output.
%clearfix {
overflow: none;
*zoom: 1;
aside, footer {
@extend %clearfix;
#grid-container {
@extend %clearfix;
aside, footer, #grid-container {
overflow: none;
*zoom: 1;
You might ask how a placeholder is different from a mixin with no arguments – at first blush they appear very similar. But, of course, the most obvious difference is that when you use selector inheritance, you’re moving the selectors to the properties to work with the cascade instead of copying the properties into the selectors to work around the cascade. Another key difference is that placeholders can be used in any part of a selector, they aren’t required to be used as the root selector. For instance:
#sidebar %link {
text-decoration: underline;
p %link {
color: blue;
a { @extend %link; } { @extend %link; }
button { @extend %link; }
#sidebar a, #sidebar, #sidebar button {
text-decoration: underline;
p a, p, p button {
color: blue;
But placeholders are not the only change in 3.2 regarding the behavior
of @extend
Selectors Level 4
Sass now supports all of the selectors in the CSS Selectors level 4
draft proposal and will take them properly into account when extending
them. The most interesting (from Sass’s perspective) is the new subject
selector. The subject selector is not currently supported by any
browsers, but we wanted to be ready for it because it has non-trivial
impacts on our code. Basically with a subject selector, you can indicate
what selector component is being styled by appending a !
to the end –
allowing elements to be styled according to what they contain. In Sass,
the subject is also what @extend
applies to.
header %component {
margin-bottom: 0;
%component! ol {
padding-left: 20px;
section! .widget { @extend %component; }
Compiles to:
header section! .widget {
margin-bottom: 0; }
section! .widget ol,
section! ol .widget {
padding-left: 20px; }
Note: This above is how things will work once this bug is fixed.
Selector combinators and inheritance.
Sass now understands the meaning of all selector combinators and will use this knowledge to prune out nonsensical selectors that used to occur when extending complex selectors.
Inheritance, Mixins, and Functions within @media and other directives
With the advent of @media
and responsive design, more and more of the
structure of stylesheets has moved from the top-level of the stylesheet
to a nested context – namely the @media
context. But beyond @media
this pattern is repeated by @keyframes
, @document
, @supports
we are quite sure there will be more like this down the road. As such,
in Sass 3.2 we have made a number of changes to working in a nested
Limitations on @extend
in CSS directives
In Sass 3.1 it was possible to extend a selector that was outside an
directive with a selector that was inside the @media
directive. While there were some valid use cases of this that would work
when users were aware of the limitations of the compile-time nature of
Sass’s @extend
implementation, we found that by and large, most users
expected Sass to somehow magically make the @extend
only apply when
the @media
query matched.
So we have deprecated the ability for @extend inside a media query to extend a selector outside it. If you are doing this, you will get a deprecation message like:
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 23 of application.scss:
@extending an outer selector from within @media is deprecated.
You may only @extend selectors within the same directive.
This will be an error in Sass 3.3.
It can only work once @extend is supported natively in the browser.
There are a few ways you can adjust to this:
- Consider whether the inheritance is specific to this @media query, if it can be moved outside the query without changing the meaning, do so.
- Sometimes, the inheritance can actually be modeled in the other direction. Consider whether there is a single class that should be extending a per-media placeholder instead.
- Lastly, if you really need to use extend, you may need to introduce some duplication in your stylesheets – consider making a different base class per media query and using a shared mixin to keep it DRY.
Fortunately, this is the only limitation we’ve had to introduce to nested contexts. Mixins and functions have actually gained some new features in these contexts.
Nested definition of mixins and functions
In sass 3.1, we changed @import of local files to allow importing into a nested context – E.g. a selector or a directive. Rightly, many people used this feature, only to discover that the files they were trying to import gave them errors if they contained mixin or function definitions – this was because those were only legal at the root-level context of a stylesheet.
As of Sass 3.2, @mixin
and @function
can be used in any nested
context. The definition of this mixin will replace the definition in the
parent context until the end of the current scope.
One thing to note about nested definitions is that mixins and functions will call the version of other mixins and functions within their “lexical scope”. This is a fancy way of saying that the structure of the code dictates what version of the mixin or function gets picked, not the current runtime definition. Consider the following code example:
@mixin foreground {
color: color();
@function color() { @return red; }
.not-nested {
@include foreground;
.nested {
@function color() { @return blue; }
@include foreground;
You might think that because the color()
function was redefined in the
nested context that the output would be .nested { color: blue; }
instead we get:
.not-nested { color: red; }
.nested { color: red; }
This is because the foreground mixin will always call the version of the
function that was defined in the same scope. What’s more, if
you only define the color()
function in the nested context, you will
get .nested { color: color(); }
because the mixin being defined in the
outer scope can’t see the color function in the inner scope causing it
to assume this is a CSS function.
Mixin Content Blocks
Mixins have long been a great way to encapsulate the contents of a
selector, but Sass has not had a good solution for creating abstractions
that are more about creating a context than the contents. For instance,
not everyone immediately understands what * html
at the start of a
selector does (It makes the contents of that selector only apply to IE6
and below). So we’d really like to name this common pattern so that
people who don’t live and breathe CSS can still author it.
What’s more, as the Sass community has embraced responsive web design
the need to abstract the @media
directive became an imperative. While
Sass has several @media
-specific features, we felt there was an
opportunity to create a more generalized feature. So in 3.2 we’ve added
a new ability for mixins to receive a block of content from the calling
context and place it using the @content
directive where the mixin
deems it best within its own output.
@mixin ie6 {
* html & {
#signin {
float: right;
@include ie6 {
display: none;
which compiles to:
#signin { float: right; }
* html #signin { display: none; }
But content blocks can do much more than this. For instance, the
directive can be called repeatedly, which might seem silly at
first but it can actually be quite useful. For instance, Compass uses
this ability to reproduce the animation directives that need
to go into each vendor-prefixed section. Similarly, a mixin that accepts
a content block can choose to not use the content block at all.
Sass will raise an error if you try to pass a content block to a mixin
that does not have any @content
directive in it and it will also raise
an error if you try to use @content
and the include did not have an
associated content block.
One thing to note about content blocks is that when they are included,
their execution takes place in the caller’s scope. That is, the
variables defined locally in the mixin will not be accessible by the
content block. However, the global state is shared by both the mixin and
the calling block and this can be useful. For instance, Compass uses
this to temporarily change the global state of what prefixes to generate
when within a prefixed @keyframes
directive – where the other
prefixes would be ignored. This behavior is exemplified by this
If you are a .sass
syntax user, you will still use @content
place the passed block, and to pass a block to an include you simply
indent. So the example above becomes:
* html &
float: right
display: none
As you see, mixin content blocks make it possible to author
context-based abstractions whether that context be a selector,
a global variable, or a directive like @media
, @document
, @supports
or any other context you can imagine.
For instance, a grid framework might use this to keep track of
grid nesting depth.
Scriptable @media
The @media query components on the left and right sides of the :
in a
query condition (enclosed in parens) can now contain SassScript
expressions. Example:
$min-width-type: min-device-width;
$smart-phone-min: 320px;
@media all and ($min-width-type: $smart-phone-min) {
#logo { background-image: url(/images/logo-small.png); }
Directive Interpolation
If you need to use SassScript in @media
directives in places other than
the query conditions, you can now use interpolation (#{}
). This will
also work in all existing CSS directives and any unknown directive that
is being passed through to the CSS output.
Variable Arguments
CSS3 introduces many new multi-valued attributes. For example, multiple background images can now be assigned to the same element. In order for mixins to provide an adequate interface for abstracting CSS properties, Sass has added a way to pass a list as arguments to a mixin or function and to receive several arguments as a list. In Sass 3.2, we only support variable argument lists for positional arguments, but in a future release we intend to also support variable keyword-style arguments.
Throughout this section I will use mixins to demonstrate the feature, but please keep in mind that the same functionality exists for function declarations and function calls.
Declaring a variable argument list
To receive several arguments as a list, simply add three dots trailing the argument which you would like to receive the remaining arguments:
@mixin background($backgrounds...) {
-hack-number-of-bgs: length($backgrounds);
background: $backgrounds;
#logo {
@include background(white,
#logo {
-hack-number-of-bgs: 3;
background: white, url(/images/logo.png), url(/images/watermark.png);
A declaration can only receive on variable argument list, but that variable arguments list can be mixed with other required and optional arguments, as long as the variable argument list comes last.
@mixin background($primary-bg, $additional-bgs...) {
background: $primary-bg;
background: join($primary-bg, $additional-bgs);
#logo {
@include background(url(/images/logo.png),
#logo {
background: url(/images/logo.png);
background: url(/images/logo.png), url(/images/watermark.png);
Passing a list as arguments
It is somewhat common, especially among frameworks, to have a list of values and then need to pass those into a mixin or function as arguments – especially when that mixin is a simple wrapper around a CSS property. As such, Sass now allows you to pass a list as arguments:
@mixin colors($fg, $bg, $border) {
color: $fg;
background-color: $bg;
border-color: $border;
$box-colors: black, yellow, blue;
.box { @include colors($box-colors...); }
.box {
color: black;
background-color: yellow;
border-color: blue;
It’s important to note that the list passed as arguments can be either a comma-delimited list or a space-delimited list.
Special handling of keyword arguments
Even though we don’t yet support accessing keyword arguments from the variable argument list, they can still be passed through to another mixin or function transparently. For example:
@mixin wallpaper($image, $top: 0, $right: 0, $bottom: 0, $left: 0) {
background: $image;
position: absolute;
top: $top;
right: $right;
bottom: $bottom;
left: $left;
@mixin logo($offsets...) {
@include wallpaper(url(/images/logo.png), $offsets...);
#please-wait {
@include logo($top: 3em, $bottom: 3em);
#please-wait {
background: url(/images/logo.png);
position: absolute;
top: 3em;
right: 0;
bottom: 3em;
left: 0;
This facilitates a major use case of safely wrapping one mixin or function with another so that you can add other properties alongside it or manipulate the return value.
Other small changes
You can now set the SASS_PATH
environment variable in your shell
(a.k.a terminal) to a colon delimited list of directories and Sass will
automatically look in each of them when finding a file for @import
In ruby, the SASS_PATH
environment variable will be loaded into the
mutable property Sass.load_path
where it can further manipulated if
necessary. Sass.load_path
defaults to an empty array.
New functions
There are a few new functions avaiable to SassScript:
- returns a color (with an optional alpha channel) as a string suitable for use with IE’s legacy filter property.min
- returns the smallest value in a list.max
- returns the largest value in a list.
New color keywords
The full array of color keywords are now understood by Sass so they can be manipulated by the color functions.
Null data type
Sass now supports a null data type. The null
value makes an excellent
defaults for optional arguments in mixins and function or when
initializing a variable. Any null value is pruned from the output as is
any property that has been assigned a null value.
$color: null;
div {
width: 23px;
color: $color;
border: 2px solid $color;
div {
width: 23px;
border: 2px solid;
Decimal numbers now default to five digits of precision after the decimal point. While this will cause stylesheets to be slightly larger this helps reduce sub-pixel rounding issues commonly encountered in responsive web design.
As before, you can change the precision with the --precision
For example sass --precision 3
will return Sass to the 3 decimal
points of precision in sass 3.1 and before.
Ruby-based applications and Compass projects can set the precision in their configuration code like so:
Sass::Script::Number.precision = 3
Looking forward
We’re tired of doing big releases with big gaps between them and we think you’re tired of waiting for good features because the roadmap of a the “big release” isn’t complete. So we have decided that going forward, each “big feature” that we implement will, after going through a beta period for feedback, become it’s own release. Small features that didn’t warrant a release will ship at that same time. What constitutes a “Major” feature is left to our discretion, but this release has about 4 or 5 of them.
Here’s some major features that we’ve agreed to ship in the future:
Maps - An new data type for storing an association between a key and a value. This will help us implement variable arguments for keyword-style arguments as well as address a very common request for “variable interpolation”.
Better APIs for Lists and Strings - Working with Lists and Strings sucks. We’re going to make it better.
The parent selector (
) is coming to SassScript - this means that mixins will be able to make intelligent output based on their selector context and selectors that are not currently possible to construct using & as a selector will be possible using interpolation with&
.Module system and
improvements - As the sass community grows, we’re starting to see naming conflicts. Best practices are helping avoid this issue for now, but a proper module and scoping system is needed to bring sanity here.Output optimization - Natalie has been dying to work on an optimizer for Sass ever since people started complaining about “Mixin bloat”.
alleviated much of that need, but new use cases involving media queries have finally made this feature into a necessity.
About Me

I am an open source hacker and stylesheet architect at LinkedIn. I live in San Jose, California with my wife and daughter.
Open Source
I'm the creator of Compass, a stylesheet authoring framework and I'm on the core team of Sass — the stylesheet syntax upon which Compass is built. I maintain about a dozen less well known ruby libraries and rails plugins on github, and am an active contributor of patches to the many open source projects that I use.